Thursday, November 4, 2010


The same day that my children were making potty mischief of one kind or another, a certain white envelope came in the mail congratulating Tyler on passing the Washington State Bar! We knew his results might arrive that day (Monday, October 18th-to be exact) and Tyler was more wound up with anticipation than I've observed in our five and half years of marriage. He called to make sure I would check the mail the moment I returned home from running errands. Finding this certain white envelope had indeed arrived in the mail, I picked up Noah early from school and we went to deliver it to Tyler. Climbing in the car, Tyler quickly took the envelope and ripped it open. I believe his expression says it all...

(picture soon to come)

Needless to say Tyler was thrilled and very relieved that he had passed (although I told him he had nothing to worry about). We spent the car ride home calling family to spread the news and we went out to dinner at the Ballyhoo Grill to celebrate. So, now that the bar is over and behind us (as long as we live in Washington state) we're excited that we can move on to tackle the next big hurdle...Finding a Job.

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